The First Horizon

Text Reads:

Today I realized that my toes belong to me,

That the long grass they touched,

was not a part of me but separate.

I am not the ground I walk on any longer.


Today I divorced the sky from the ocean to create a horizon.

I pulled the ocean apart to make a wave.

I drew a circle in the sand and called the shells resting within my own.

I do not bathe in myself, flow over myself, quench myself any longer.


I am not the ocean, but I am like the ocean.

I break the world up into pieces.

Slowly I push and pull until the world is shaped by me.

Since I am not the world, the world must be mine.


I am not the grass, but I am like the grass.

I tell the sky where it must end so I can begin.

I push through the sand to make room for myself.

I say this place is mine.


I am not the sky, but I am like the sky.

I look down on the world and keep it pressed within my boundaries.

The connection is what makes me separate. The separation is what makes it mine.­